Raving about Summer – Fussing about Winter


These poems and notes have special appeal to people of the north country who rave about summer and struggle with winter. Visit friendships, bears, deer, love, loss, spring melt, winter darkness, snow, and Lake Superior.
While writing this, I found peace with the cold, short days and darkness that Wisconsin winters bring and discovered abundant light in friends, in myself, in the sun and in the moon. "Wind too high to feel pulled the clouds apart, let me look on the hot glow and I got very close to seeing it for the first time."
Quirky, touching, funny, sad, and all about gratitude. I hope you'll take a chance on this little book. – Roslyn Nelson, author
“… just when you least expect it, there's something to make you laugh. Or tear up. Or just feel as though today is really going to be okay after all. Forget the teddy bear; keep a comforting copy of this book near at all times. … GREAT gift book too. Buy a dozen.” – Starla King